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The 35mm Project Mark iii / Toronto Snow Bonanza

Last weekend saw me trekking up the Godforsaken QEW (because in Canada, they name everything after another nation’s monarch) to Toronto to pick the lady up post Taiwan visit.  We actually had a great time.  I brought the Minolta along, because the thought of losing the 5d to theft or drunken absentmindedness was too much to bear, and I actually got some nice shots.  For what it’s worth, Portra is now my favorite film.  I’m actually not sure what Ektar brings to the table that Portra doesn’t.  If you know, please educate me.

So we braved a mini-blizzard to eat noodles on Queen street and drink coffee at a Starbucks.  Have you ever been to one of those?  It was really good.

Mad photos of snow and KC’s back.  Enjoy.